Service Thinking: Vision

Service Thinking > Guidance > Vision

Guidance Notes

Teams and Organisations should have a clear vision for how they will deliver against their Purpose and maximise their Measures of Success

This vision should:

  1. Focus on the Team or Organisation and how it operates and delivers value.
  2. Describe a future state for the Team or Organisation, but not how it gets there.
  3. Be aligned to the Purpose and Measures of Success of the Team or Organisation.
  4. Be aspirational, audacious, and meaningful, ensuring that it represents a challenging target that will have a measurable impact.
  5. Be realistic and achievable, allowing people to buy into it.
  6. Be inspiring and motivational, engaging everyone involved in the Team or Organisation, and informing their day-to-day decision making.
  7. Be aligned to the Vision of any parent Organisation

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Further Notes

Details of some of the topics we plan to publish further topics on will be added here soon.

Please set us know via a reply below if there’s any of these further notes you’d like us to prioritise, if there’s anything you think we’ve missed, or just to let us know your thoughts.

Further Reading

Don’t take our word for it. If you’re interested in going deeper and exploring more, The Index has community curated lists of further reading, including on Visions