Service Thinking: Leadership

Service Thinking > Guidance > Leadership

Guidance Notes

Teams and Organisations should have a clear model for how they are led – how decisions are made, activities assured, and the people within them supported and enabled.

This model should:

  1. For Organisations, be built around a Leadership Team
  2. Be cross-functional, including representation for all the functions involved in delivery
  3. Include everyone in decision making, ensuring that information from all levels is used in strategic decision making
  4. Be built around internal people and not out-sourced to suppliers or partners
  5. Be completely transparent
  6. Be able to respond and make decisions quickly and effectively
  7. Be underpinned by a regular cadence of strategic reviews and decision making
  8. Include a focus on creating the environment to enable people to be successful.
  9. Include a focus on removing impediments and implementing suggested improvements that have been escalated.

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Further Notes

Details of some of the topics we plan to publish further topics on will be added here soon.

Please set us know via a reply below if there’s any of these further notes you’d like us to prioritise, if there’s anything you think we’ve missed, or just to let us know your thoughts.

Further Reading

Don’t take our word for it. If you’re interested in going deeper and exploring more, The Index has community curated lists of further reading, including on Leadership