Service Thinking: Continuous Improvement

Service Thinking > Guidance > Continuous Improvement

Guidance Notes

Teams and Organisations should measure their performance and continually invest in maintaining and improving it.

This should include:

  1. Measurement of both efficiency and effectiveness for the Team or Organisation and everything it does.
  2. Identification of and removal of impediments and identification and implementation of improvements as a standard part of day-to-day operations.
  3. A focus on fixing the root causes of inefficiencies and issues rather than the surface issues.
  4. Escalation of impediments and improvements to any parent organisation or wider context when required.
  5. Maturity assessments only where and when they’re useful for Teams and Organisations to identify potential areas for their own improvement.

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Further Notes

Details of some of the topics we plan to publish further topics on will be added here soon.

Please set us know via a reply below if there’s any of these further notes you’d like us to prioritise, if there’s anything you think we’ve missed, or just to let us know your thoughts.

Further Reading

Don’t take our word for it. If you’re interested in going deeper and exploring more, The Index has community curated lists of further reading, including on Continuous Improvement