Objectives and Key Results


From the what matters website:

OKRs stand for Objectives and Key Results, a collaborative goal-setting methodology used by teams and individuals to set challenging, ambitious goals with measurable results. OKRs are how you track progress, create alignment, and encourage engagement around measurable goals.

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John Doerr has a free course on Coursera which is pretty awesome:

If you want to understand the purpose and value of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) - then starting with the book written by the person who introduced OKRs to Intel in 1971 is best starting point.

Andrew Grove’s Book - High Output Management is the canonical book, and as the person who taught John Doerr (the modern OKR leader) the book talks about the origins and the value to Intel.

Management 3.0 have an interesting set of steps they use to define and use metrics in HR.

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This YouTube playlist from Weekdone is good - Objectives and Key Results 101 - YouTube

One software option for managing your OKRs - Tability : Reclaim your productivity with AI-powered goal tracking

Found via this Medium article which was a good read - Here’s what’s wrong with most OKRs software (and how we fixed it) | by Sten | Tability | Medium. They also have more material at OKRs for Startups: A Simple and Complete Guide to OKRs

OKR Training & Coaching | Peter Kappus has some online training and some interesting blog posts, including A guide to OKR check-ins | Peter Kappus.

Home - Felipe Castro - OKR Trainer, Speaker, Author - and specifically OKR Tracking with the weeky check-in - Felipe Castro - OKR Experts and Common OKR mistakes - Felipe Castro - OKR Consulting

Christina Wodtke (the author of Radical Focus) also has a load of material at OKRs – Eleganthack and a number of resources at Resources – Christina Wodtke

And there’s OKRs.com - but I’ve not read the book or any of their posts

This included a useful set of principles

Resources for using OKRs in Product Management by Tim Herbig has some good stuff, specifically Measure the progress of OKRs using Leading and Lagging Indicators (herbig.co)

Considered to be the modern thought-leader of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), John Doerr’s book Measure What Matters is an easy, comprehensive read. He also has a lot if useful information on his website too - https://www.whatmatters.com/

If you are at the beginning of your journey to learn about Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) then Felipe Castro’s the Beginners Guide to OKRs is a fantastic place to start

metric based and we might want to move to another topic Agile Metrics: It's Not All That Complicated | PPT